At the Gates

27 October 2018 – 26 January 2019

At the Gates
Navine G. Khan-Dossos, Bulk Targets 1-100, 2018 © Navine G. Khan-Dossos, Courtesy The Breeder, Athens

With Maja Bajevic, Georgia Horgan, Navine G. Khan-Dossos, Teresa Margolles, Olivia Plender, Suzanne Treister, Artists’ Campaign to Repeal the Eighth Amendment.

Inspired by the tidal wave of change that has been sweeping the world, At the Gates brings together artists who have amplified the global struggle towards female self-empowerment, and in the case of Ireland’s historic fight against the Eighth amendment, right to bodily self-determination.

Often brushing up against the law, or institutions of power, these artists and their individual projects attest to the volume of these voices, images, banners, objects and artworks as they amass and become part of a public discussion. Shown alongside Jesse Jones’ performance installation Tremble Tremble, the implication is clear: 'tremble, tremble, the witches have returned.'


Exhibition Guide

The Exhibition Guide and installation views are available here

Written by

Tessa Giblin and James Clegg

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